Word & Worship – Here I Surrender

Today we take time to reflect on a precious verse and a beautiful song.   We call it Word & Worship.


Living surrendered to the One Who gave His life for ours, is the only way to live a life blessed and fulfilled.

“If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.”  Matthew‬ ‭16:25‬ ‭NLT‬‬

To some, this verse may seem like and oxymoran; but as you grow deeper in your relationship with the Lord, it makes more and more sense.  One of the key ways to draw close to Jesus is by surrendering ourselves to Him.  It’s letting go of our worldly desires, living life for ourselves and the need to have control, and submitting ourselves fully to God, allowing Him to navigate our lives.  

It’s easy to think we know what’s best for us and if we’re behind the wheel, then we’ll get where we want to go faster.  However, in reality, we only go in circles, all to discover that our satisfaction is temporary.  But when we surrender our lives to the Lord, He fills and blesses it to no end.  It’s the only satisfaction that lasts.  It’s the only one worth pursuing and having.

OUR WORSHIP for TODAY:  Here I Surrender – Highlands Worship

We encourage you to relinquish all control that you may be holding onto, as you listen to today’s worship, fully surrendered.  We pray these words bless you.

Now I can see You
Now I can know You
Now my heart, has a song to sing
Jesus, I love You
Oh, how I love You
You have my heart, my everything
My everything

Here I surrender
Now and forever
All that I am, all of me at Your feet
Jesus, my Saviour

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